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Drug Distribution Charges: Essential Criminal Defense Strategies in Colorado Springs

On Behalf of | Jun 24, 2024 | Criminal Defense

The United States continues to experience the various impacts of drug misuse, especially when it comes to opioid addiction. This is a widespread issue that affects individuals, families, and communities throughout the country. According to data gathered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 9.2 million people misused opioids in the past year. Moreover, over 61 million people reported that they used illicit drugs in the past year—this accounts for approximately 22 percent of the entire U.S. population. These figures indicate that people who use, misuse, or abuse controlled substances are finding various ways of obtaining these drugs. As lawmakers continue to grapple with developing strategies for addressing illegal drug use, one of their primary efforts concerns enforcing criminal penalties for those convicted of drug-related offenses. In Colorado, individuals charged with a drug distribution crime can face serious penalties, including jail time, costly fines, and other restrictions on their freedom and future.

If you are facing drug distribution charges in the greater Colorado Springs area, it’s essential to contact a highly qualified and experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible to start preparing your defense strategy. Let’s take a look at how Colorado typically prosecutes drug distribution crimes, the penalties you could face if convicted of a drug distribution crime, and some steps you can take to keep your future as bright as possible.

Charges for Distributing Drugs in Colorado Springs

Colorado law prohibits individuals from knowingly manufacturing, selling, dispensing, distributing, or possessing with intent to distribute controlled substances. The specific drug crime you face depends on the type of drug (i.e., the schedule (or class) of the controlled substance) and the quantity involved in the alleged incident. Generally speaking, a drug distribution crime involving a large quantity of a Schedule I controlled substance would be prosecuted as a felony, while a drug distribution offense involving a small amount of a Schedule IV or Schedule V controlled substance may only carry misdemeanor penalties. It’s important to recognize that drug crimes involving interstate commerce or internet transactions may be subject to federal laws, such as the United States Controlled Substances Act. No matter what the specific factors of your drug distribution allegations may be, it’s highly recommended that you contact a knowledgeable and experienced Colorado Springs drug crimes defense lawyer as soon as possible to ensure that your legal rights remain intact and upheld at every step of the process.

Navigating Drug Distribution Charges in Colorado Springs

Facing criminal charges of any kind can be an overwhelming and intimidating experience, especially for first-time offenders. Suddenly, your future becomes uncertain, and you have many questions about what to expect in the days, weeks, and months ahead. However, before your mind jumps to the worst-case scenario, it’s essential that you discuss your case with a highly qualified and understanding Colorado Springs drug distribution attorney who can identify the most strategic defense option to keep your future as bright as possible. Even though you may be tempted to speak to the arresting law enforcement officer and explain your side of the story, it’s best to exercise your Constitutional right to remain silent until you have had the opportunity to contact an attorney. Unfortunately, law enforcement officers may act like they are “on your side” in order to invite you to make incriminating statements that they can use to build a compelling case against you. Instead, try to say as little as possible until you have the chance to discuss your situation with a skilled and dedicated Colorado Springs criminal defense attorney. Generally speaking, a person being investigated should only provide their name, date of birth, social security number, and perhaps you home address. Politely decline to answer additional questions, and invoke your 5th amendment right to remain silent and your 6th amendment right to have an attorney present for questioning. The officers should stop asking questions once you invoke both these rights.

Exploring Your Drug Distribution Defense Options

Once you have found a criminal defense attorney to represent you and advocate on your behalf, you can begin to explore your options for building a strong legal defense strategy. An attorney experienced in drug distribution will examine every detail of your case and help you determine the most strategic path forward that maximizes your chances of obtaining a fair outcome. Let’s take a look at some legal defense strategies that you may consider using when facing drug distribution charges in Colorado Springs.

Challenging Potential Violations of Your Legal Rights

Law enforcement officers must observe strict protocols when making arrests. As a defendant, you may not recognize that the officer subjected you to an illegal search and seizure before arresting you for a drug-related crime. For example, if an officer pulled your car over without having probable cause to do so, any items they discover in your vehicle or on your person may be inadmissible in court (as it was obtained unlawfully). Or, if the officer failed to inform you of your Miranda rights at the time of your arrest, your criminal defense lawyer can raise this violation and seek to have statements you made suppressed, and potentially have the case against you dismissed or thrown out. As your attorney begins to examine the details of your case, you can trust that they will look for any violations of your legal rights and use this information to prepare a strong and compelling defense strategy.

Also, Colorado is very progressive in legalizing and regulating marijuana and certain psychedelics. Often, someone may be charged for possession, cultivation, manufacturing, and distribution when their activity may be legal under Colorado’s drug laws. The Black, Blink, & Associates LLC are on the cutting edge of these changes in the law, often getting cases dismissed or substantially reduced by educating the prosecutor’s office about the revamping of Colorado’s laws.

Challenging the Intent to Distribute

Prosecutors must provide evidence that proves you knowingly possessed a controlled substance and you intended to distribute or sell the controlled substance. Your criminal defense attorney can push back against the prosecution’s allegations by showing that you unknowingly had the controlled substance in your possession or that the small amount of the controlled substance in your possession was only intended for your personal use. Enlisting the support of an experienced and highly skilled drug distribution defense lawyer is critical in order to maximize your chances of securing the most favorable outcome possible, given the specific circumstances of your case. No matter what the details of your situation may be, don’t hesitate to seek legal representation in order to build a strong defense and navigate the complexities of drug distribution cases in Colorado Springs.

If you are facing drug distribution charges or other drug-related allegations in Colorado Springs, you need effective and reliable legal representation as soon as possible. Call The Black, Blink, & Associates LLC, today at 719-328-1616 to get started with a highly qualified and experienced criminal defense attorney.

