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De-Escalation Techniques for High-Conflict Domestic Situations

On Behalf of | May 14, 2024 | Domestic Violence

Close relationships are inherently complex. Every marriage or partnership experiences its fair share of highs and lows, and most couples are able to work through differences with time and reflection. However, some arguments can escalate to the point of one party saying or doing something they later regret. One momentary lapse in judgment or dramatic emotional state can prompt someone to lash out against their spouse, partner, or family member in an aggressive or threatening manner. Such incidents are not uncommon; according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), “nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States.” In other words, over 10 million women and men experience domestic violence every year. Like most states, Colorado takes domestic violence crimes seriously. Inflicting physical harm or making threats against a spouse, intimate partner, or family member can lead to criminal charges, which are punishable by costly fines, imprisonment, probation, and other lasting consequences.

Even though our nation’s criminal justice system is built on the principle that the accused is innocent until proven guilty, the mere allegation of domestic violence can cause irreparable harm to the defendant’s reputation and standing within the community. If Colorado law enforcement has arrested you for a domestic violence crime in Colorado Springs, you need reliable and effective legal representation as soon as possible. Enlisting the guidance of a highly qualified domestic violence defense attorney is the best way to protect your freedom and your future. In the meantime, let’s take a look at some strategies and resources to help diffuse high-conflict domestic situations and reduce the potential for domestic violence charges.

Understanding Domestic Violence Crimes in Colorado

First, it’s helpful to understand the legal definition of domestic violence and the types of criminal charges that may be brought against Colorado residents. Colorado Revised Statute 18-6-800.3 CRS defines domestic violence as “an act or threatened act of violence upon a person with whom the actor is or has been involved in an intimate relationship.” Essentially, domestic violence encompasses any crime against an intimate partner’s body, pet, or property that attempts to intimidate, punish, or otherwise exert coercive control over them. Moreover, it’s important to recognize that the offense does not have to involve hitting or inflicting physical harm—making verbal threats, harassing, or stalking an intimate partner (i.e., a spouse, dating partner, co-parent, etc.) can qualify as a domestic violence offense. When prosecutors pursue domestic violence cases, they will charge the defendant with an underlying crime and attach a domestic violence enhancement (which usually carries more severe penalties). For example, prosecutors may charge someone with assault or stalking with a domestic violence enhancement if the alleged victim was an intimate partner. Domestic violence-related crimes can be charged as either misdemeanor or felony offenses, depending on the specifics of the case and whether the defendant has any previous convictions on their record. Regardless of the details of your case, contacting a skilled and caring Colorado domestic violence defense lawyer right away is the best way to ensure your legal rights remain protected at every stage of the criminal justice process.

Domestic Violence Defense Strategies in Colorado Springs

Facing any type of criminal charge can be overwhelming and intimidating, especially for first-time offenders. Most people want to understand how to win a domestic violence case so they can move forward into a brighter and more stable future. Hiring a knowledgeable and experienced Colorado Springs domestic violence defense attorney is the first step you should take after your arrest. Your lawyer will assess every detail of your case to determine the most strategic path forward. Criminal defense lawyers will explore several options and identify the most appropriate and effective domestic violence defense strategy, such as showing that the incident was an accident or that you acted in self-defense. In other cases, you may be able to show that the accuser falsely accused you of domestic violence in order to win a child custody dispute. No matter what the specifics of your situation may be, you can trust that your dedicated domestic violence defense lawyer will fight hard to protect your best interests at every opportunity.

Practical Tips to Resolve Domestic Disputes More Effectively

Before a domestic dispute escalates to the point of verbal threats or physical violence, it’s worth exploring some tools and strategies that can diffuse explosive situations more productively. As you feel your anger rising, try taking some deep breaths and removing yourself from the situation until you can calm your body down. Work with your partner to prioritize calm communication whenever possible, especially during moments of heightened emotions. It’s also important to listen actively to what the other person is saying, as making assumptions or putting words in their mouth can lead to further conflict. If you need support in learning how to manage your anger or frustration in healthier ways, consider attending an anger management program or a support group that can provide you with helpful tips, tools, and strategies for minimizing potential conflict in your relationship. Over time, you can become more adept at diffusing high-conflict moments, ultimately reducing the likelihood of an explosive movement leading to potential domestic violence charges.

Getting the Help You Need, When You Need It

Whether you are worried about losing control and lashing out at a spouse or intimate partner, or you have found yourself facing domestic violence-related charges in Colorado Springs, it’s essential to recognize that you do not have to go through this stressful time alone. Working with a seasoned criminal defense lawyer who specializes in domestic violence cases is crucial in these situations, as this legal professional can provide legal protection and guidance, help you navigate the complexities of the legal system, develop effective defense strategies, and help you understand the terms of restraining orders. Now is not the time to leave your future up to chance—get started with a dedicated and empathetic criminal defense attorney today.

For over two decades, the dedicated legal team at the Black, Blink, & Associates LLC, P.C., has defended the rights of the accused throughout the Colorado Springs area. If you are facing domestic violence charges or struggling with another legal matter, call our office today at 719-328-1616 to discuss your options with a trusted and caring criminal defense lawyer.

