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Costs of DUI in Colorado

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2024 | Criminal Defense, DUI

If you have been convicted of a DUI, you may wonder what the costs of a DUI in Colorado are. It can be difficult to understand how much this will cost since different factors impact the DUI penalties, and there are many hidden costs you may not even know about.

Facing DUI charges can feel overwhelming, but understanding exactly what this means can help you navigate this process. Hiring legal representation is vital as an experienced DUI attorney can help you navigate these charges to get the best possible results.

Costs Associated With a DUI

There are a surprising amount of costs associated with getting a DUI conviction. To be prepared for this process, you will want to have a realistic idea of how much money this is going to cost you.

Towing Fees

When you are arrested for a suspected DUI, you will not be able to drive your car to a safe location. You may be able to release your vehicle to someone you know, but if that isn’t possible, your vehicle will need to be towed and stored elsewhere.

Towing fees vary dramatically depending on where you live, but you can usually expect this to be around $150 to $200. Factors that may impact this price include if your vehicle needs to be towed at night if it is a heavy-duty vehicle, or if it is in a hard-to-reach location.

You may also have to pay impoundment costs since your vehicle will have to be stored at a towing yard or impound lot. These fees also vary quite dramatically, but they typically run around $50 to $100 per day.

Bail and Bond Fees

When a defendant is arrested for a DUI, they are usually given a bond of around $1,000 to $5,000. Aside from these amounts, you may also be looking at jail booking fees and bondsman fees, ranging from $50 to $200 on average. If you are unable to pay the bond and related fees, you may have to remain in jail until your court hearing.

Ignition Interlock Devices

Colorado law usually requires DUI offenders to have an ignition interlock device installed on their vehicle. An ignition interlock device is basically a breathalyzer that prohibits you from starting your vehicle until you have provided a breath sample.

For an ignition interlock device, you will usually face installation fees, monthly fees, and removal fees. Each of these fees ranges from $50 to $150, which will start to add up quickly.

Court Fines

DUI court fines are usually around $600 to $1,000 for first-time offenders. This fee will go up if it involves a repeat offender or if someone is injured. You may also be responsible for paying a sentencing fee and a driver responsibility fee.

Probation Costs

If you are given probation for a DUI, there are usually monthly probation supervision costs associated with this. In most instances, this comes to $1,200 a month unless the court agrees to lower the amount.

License Reinstatement Fees

For DUI offenders, the court will determine an amount of time before they are eligible to have their license reinstated. When you can do so, you will have to pay a $95 reinstatement fee before you can legally drive again.

Exploring Hidden Costs of a DUI

Aside from the standard costs of a DUI charge in Colorado, there are also hidden costs you may not have considered. These are costs that may seem small at first but can quickly add up. Hidden costs can also come up depending on the circumstances around the DUI charge and whether or not you are a first or second-time offender.

Alcohol Education Programs

Defendants convicted of a DUI are often mandated by the court to attend an alcohol treatment program as part of the sentence. This is most commonly required for those with multiple DUI offenses. Some alcohol treatment programs can range anywhere between $5,000 to $15,000, depending on whether it is an inpatient or outpatient program.

You also need to consider the fact that you will have to take time off work to attend your program. You may be able to avoid this if it is an outpatient program, but inpatient programs usually require time off work.

Insurance Rate Hikes

Statistics show that someone convicted of a DUI in Colorado will usually see a significant increase in their insurance rates. Most drivers will see around a 69% increase, which adds up significantly per year.

Damaged Credit Score

When you are facing all of the costs associated with a DUI, you may not have the funds on hand. Because of this, many people have to resort to using credit cards or loans to handle the expenses in the meantime. When you do this, your credit score will likely be negatively impacted, leading to long-term repercussions.

The long-term repercussions of a damaged credit score could include difficulty being approved for a home or apartment, the inability to get a loan, etc.

Reduced Earning Potential

In many instances involving a DUI conviction, Colorado residents may see a reduced earning potential. One example of this is having to take time off work when you are handling the details of a DUI charge. You may even lose your job if you are unable to take the amount of time off that you need.

If your job requires you to drive with a commercial driver’s license, this may be suspended, which can result in you losing your job. You may also be unable to take on certain jobs or career opportunities in the future due to having a DUI on your record.

Hire an Experienced DUI Attorney Today at Black, Blink, & Associates LLC

Being convicted of a DUI is a serious charge that will have a significant financial impact on your life. You will have to handle things like alcohol education program fees, insurance rate increases, and court fines, which can come with short-term and long-term consequences.

At Black, Blink, & Associates LLC, we have handled hundreds of DUI cases and know how to best represent our clients. For empathetic and dedicated legal representation, contact us today at 719-328-1616 to schedule your consultation.

