In 2012, Colorado legalized the use of recreational cannabis in a progressive move to legalize natural medicines. Then, in November 2022, voters passed a proposition, known as the Natural Medicine Health Act of 2022, that allows adults 21 years or older to legally use psychedelic mushrooms. The City and County of Denver had decriminalized the use of mushrooms in 2019, setting the tone for all of Colorado.
But how does that play out in Colorado law? And when will changes be taking effect? Here’s some more information.
Legalizing Mushrooms in Colorado
On November 8, 2022, voters in Colorado passed a ballot initiative to legalize the possession and use of psychedelic mushrooms for persons 21 years of age and older. Pursuant to the Natural Medicine Health Act, the Department for Natural Medicine Access shall adopt the rules for facilities set forth by Article 170 by January 1, 2024, and will begin accepting licensing applications by September 30, 2024. Patients will be advised to go to state-regulated healing centers in order to use natural medicines as defined by the Act, and licensed facilitators will oversee this process. Personal or private use is also legalized, but retail sales are still prohibited. As with any controlled substance, the use of natural medicines on public property, schools, or while driving is prohibited.
What Are the Current Laws for Mushroom Possession in Colorado?
The Colorado Revised Statutes title 18, or Criminal Code, has been amended in accordance to the provisions set forth in the “Natural Medicine Health Act of 2022” Article 170. Persons in compliance with the Act shall not be charged criminally with either possession, use, distribution or manufacturing, public nuisance, growing, or possession of drug paraphernalia. Those charged criminally in the past may be eligible to seal their record at no cost. If you have been charged and convicted of illegal possession or use of mushrooms, call our office today for a free consultation.
Get in Touch With Black, Blink, & Associates LLC
Do you need help with criminal charges that involve drugs? Make sure you contact Black, Blink, & Associates LLC for immediate help. Our experienced team of attorneys and paralegals are ready to defend your rights to the access of natural medicines and are ready to help. Call us now at 719-328-1616 or get in touch on our website.