Black, Blink & Associates

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Holidays Tips from Black, Blink, & Associates LLC

On Behalf of | Dec 16, 2020 | Domestic Violence

The holidays are here and it’s time to spend time with friends and family. However, with the holidays, at times comes financial hardship, alcohol consumption and family tension. It is well known that the holidays can be extremely stressful and demanding especially during a worldwide pandemic thanks to COVID-19. Some tips to managing this stress can include:

  • Take care of yourself – Take a step back and have some time to yourself to relieve stress and tensions that the holidays bring. Have some time set aside to work on yourself and once you feel less stressed return back to the holiday festivities.
  • Plan ahead- Avoid overworking yourself by scheduling events and activities with ahead of time.
  • Reach out to others– The holidays are times to spend with loved ones, so if you are feeling overwhelmed or uneasy tell someone. They may be able to help or get someone who can provide you with help.
  • Get active- Exercise is a great stress reliever and can help improve your mood to distract you from the holiday troubles.

Although these are only a few steps to help relieve stress and pressures that come with preparing for the holidays there are many other ways to avoid getting overwhelmed during these festive yet demanding times. As always remember to follow the COVID 19 regulations set in your area and remember that the holidays are a time to spend with loved ones. However if the stress of the holidays get to you and you end up facing criminal charges our office is always ready to help.

If you or someone you know are facing Domestic Violence charges, the attorney’s and staff at Black, Blink, & Associates LLC can assist you through these serious allegations. Feel free to contact us at 719-328-1616 and schedule an appointment soon.

