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Charlotte Figi Passes Away Due to Coronavirus

On Behalf of | Apr 8, 2020 | Marijuana

We are saddened to learn that COVID-19 has claimed the life of a 13-year-old child, Charlotte Figi. Charlotte is, perhaps, the person that has created the biggest paradigm shift in the world’s opinion on the cannabis plant. Charlotte suffered from Dravet syndrome, having suffered her first seizure at 3 months old. In her early childhood, she suffered from hundreds of seizures a week. After learning of others with seizure disorders receiving benefit from the cannabis plant, Charlotte’s mother, Paige, began researching Cannabinoids (CBDs), a non-psychoactive component of the cannabis plant. Against the advice of medical professions, politicians, and the State of Colorado, she worked with the now famous Stanley brothers, who dedicated their company and careers into creating a high CBD, low THC strain, “Charlotte’s Web” with the mission of creating a strain that reduced the number of seizures for children with seizure disorders.

After working with the Stanley brothers, they developed a strain that reduced Charlotte’s seizures by some 90%, leading to the famous CBD strain Charlotte’s Web.

In her short 13 years on this earth, Charlotte has changed the opinion of millions, allowing acceptance of this life-changing plant. She is a hero. A hero that fought against an unfair medical condition that prevented her from having a normal life until she, her mother, and the Stanley brothers discovered Charlotte’s Web. Her mother Paige is a hero. A hero for researching the benefits of the cannabis plant and not allowing the anti-cannabis folks to dissuade her from finding to help her daughter that so desperately needed this medicine. The Stanley brothers are heroes. Heroes for forgoing the green rush of the marijuana industry and flowing an unknown path for the sake of helping children who have been dealt an unfair hand in this world.

Charlotte has forever changed this world. Allowed only allowed 13 years on this earth, her impact will help millions of children. We salute you Charlotte, salute you for your brave fight, salute you for changing the opinion of millions, and salute you for improving the lives of children for all of eternity. Such a brave little girl.

Our thought and prayers go out to Charlotte and the rest of the Figi family, who have also contracted COVID-19. As a father, and a father of a 13-year-old, I can’t begin to fathom the heartbreak the Figi family is enduring.


Clifton Black

